there are way that spammer / spammer bot getting your real email address and start sending you Spam or all kind of Phishing / Fake Emails #1 - Never reveal your email address on your website or Any others Website No #1 in our list is avoid getting your email...
Solve Email Spam Issues with Enterprise Grade Protection from RM9.90 for 30days
Are you facing Facing Spam/ Phishing Email EveryDay ? ???? STOP Spammy Email Today ! We can filter up to near 100% Spam though our intelligent Automated System BigDomain Spam Protection Services powered by Solarwinds SpamExperts Bigdomain's Spam Filter Solutions Powered by Solarwinds SpamExperts Business Email often getting alot...
Added GrabPay, QRPay & Razer Payment Options to BigDomain
We are now accepting favorite Boost, RazerPay, Maybank QRPay & GrabPay! You can now enjoy Cash Rebate (Shake Rewards - Boost) or get Grabpoints when you use GrabPay in BigDomain. Click the link below to view all your invoices / Paid and Unpaid : Select the invoice you would...
Many Hosting may stop offering cPanel. How it may impact you?
We refer to the latest post by WP Valley (in Chinese), and the following Google translated version of the sites. Siteground may be the first wave among many others to stop offering cPanel for their client. Why? cPanel changed its licensing model and charging Per Account Basis besides the...
好消息!好消息! 华为(Huawei)推出“无线充电P30保护壳” 一直以来大家都把华为P30 与P30 Pro 当作比较 而P30 最大的遗憾便是无线充电的功能。 如今市场的反应,让华为进行精心设计,推出了一款专属P30的无线充电保护壳 Image credit: Huawei Malaysia 这款无线充电保护壳共有两种颜色分别为:电光蓝色 和动感橙色 除了颜色以外,这款无线充电保护壳采用了双色镂空设计与防滑触感! 有手汗的朋友也不需要再害怕,以免一"跌"足成千古恨啦! 同时,这款设计拥有10W无线快充,并且已通过与拥有德国莱茵和Qi双认证。 Image credit: Huawei Malaysia 不仅如此保护壳还内含导磁材料,与磁吸支架一触即合。 充电的同时,还可以贴在车上的吸支架上通电话 为在路途上繁忙的你添加了一份方便。 Image credit: Huawei Malaysia 当然除了多功能以外,孔位设计的准确度、征集贴合度,也绝对不让大家失望! 准确的贴合在每一个缝隙! 一直迟迟不敢入手的你,这款设计将为你解决之前所有的烦恼! Image credit: Huawei Malaysia 直今为止,保护壳的价格尚未公布。 网络流传可能会在4月11日国行发布会上宣布。 就让我们一起期待着华为P30 “无线充电保护壳” 的到来!!
How To Create a Professional Resume?
Depending on your personal circumstances, you can choose which is the best type of resume for you and use it to apply for job opening. For example, combination, functional, chronological resume etc. Be Consistent A professional resume must be consistent in formatting. For example, you can use the bullet points...