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How Google AI Overview and SGE are Reshaping Video SEO Marketing Malaysia 2024

With the introduction of Google AI Overview and Search Generative Experience (SGE), SEO marketing Malaysia strategies for optimizing video content have taken a significant leap forward. 

These advancements not only enhance how videos are indexed and ranked but also transform the user experience. This blog will delve into how these innovations are reshaping video SEO Marketing Malaysia strategies and what you can do to stay ahead in the game.

Understanding Google AI Overview and SGE 2024

Google AI Overview: Google’s AI Overview utilizes advanced machine learning algorithms to better understand and process video content. This technology enables more precise indexing and ranking by analyzing visual and auditory elements, context, and relevance to search queries.

Search Generative Experience (SGE): SGE optimizes AI to generate search experiences that are more interactive and personalized. This includes integrating rich media results, such as videos, directly into search responses, thus providing users with more engaging and immediate answers.

Impacts on Video SEO Marketing Malaysia Strategies 2024

Example of Video from Google AI Overview on SERP (Image Source)
Example of Video from Google AI Overview on SERP (Image Source)
  1. Enhanced Content Understanding:
    • AI Analysis: Google AI Overview uses sophisticated machine learning to understand video content beyond keywords. This includes analyzing video transcripts, recognizing visual elements, and interpreting audio content. This deeper understanding allows for more accurate indexing and better alignment with user search intent​​.
    • Strategy: Ensure your videos are rich in contextually relevant information. Use clear visuals and comprehensive scripts to enhance the AI’s ability to interpret your content.
  2. Improved Ranking and Visibility:
    • SGE Integration: With SGE, videos are more prominently featured in search results. This integration means videos that are well-optimized for AI interpretation have a higher chance of being displayed as top results or within rich snippets​​.
    • Strategy: Optimize your video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords. Ensure your videos are engaging and provide immediate value to the viewer to increase watch time and engagement rates.
  3. User Engagement and Retention:
    • Personalized Experiences: SGE aims to create more personalized and interactive search experiences. Videos that align closely with personalized search intents are more likely to be recommended and watched.
    • Strategy: Create content that addresses specific user needs and queries. Personalize video content based on audience demographics and preferences to improve engagement and retention.
  4. Technical Optimization:
    • Transcripts and Subtitles: Google’s AI uses transcripts and subtitles to better understand video content. These elements help in indexing and improving accessibility, which in turn enhances Malaysia SEO​​.
    • Strategy: Always include accurate transcripts and subtitles in your videos. This not only aids Malaysia SEO but also makes your content accessible to a broader audience.
  5. Utilizing Analytics:
    • Detailed Insights: With AI and SGE, the analytics provided are more detailed, offering insights into how users interact with video content. This includes data on viewing patterns, engagement metrics, and drop-off points​.
    • Strategy: Use these analytics to refine your content strategy. Focus on creating videos that maintain viewer interest and address points of high drop-off or low engagement.

Key Trends in Video SEO Marketing Malaysia for 2024

In 2024, Video SEO marketing Malaysia continues to be a vital component of digital marketing strategies, driven by increasing consumer demand for video content and advancements in search engine technologies. Here are some key trends and strategies for Video SEO marketing Malaysia in 2024:

  1. Increased Importance of Video Content:
    • The number of digital video viewers is projected to reach 3.78 billion in 2024. This surge emphasizes the necessity for businesses to integrate video content into their Malaysia SEO strategies to capture and engage this vast audience​.
  2. Enhanced Search Engine Features:
    • Search engines are increasingly incorporating video content into their search results. Google, for example, is enhancing its ability to index and rank video content, making it more crucial for businesses to optimize their videos for search visibility​.
  3. Use of AI and Machine Learning:
    • AI and machine learning are becoming more integral to how search engines evaluate and rank video content. These technologies help in understanding video content better and ensuring it meets user intent and quality standards​​.
  4. Core Web Vitals for Videos:
    • Core Web Vitals, which measure the user experience on websites, are also relevant for video content. Ensuring that videos load quickly, do not cause layout shifts, and provide a smooth viewing experience is essential for maintaining high search rankings​.

Effective Video SEO Marketing Malaysia Strategies

  1. Keyword Optimization:
    • Title, Description, and Tags: Use relevant keywords in the video title, description, and tags. Tools like SEMrush’s Keyword Analytics for YouTube can help identify popular search terms to include in these elements​​.
    • Transcripts and Captions: Including transcripts and captions not only makes videos more accessible but also allows search engines to understand the content better, enhancing Malaysia SEO performance.
  2. Engaging Thumbnails and Metadata:
    • Thumbnails: Design compelling and relevant thumbnails to increase click-through rates. Thumbnails act as the first impression and significantly impact whether a user decides to watch the video.
    • Metadata: Properly filled metadata, including accurate descriptions and relevant keywords, helps search engines index the video correctly and rank it higher in search results.
  3. User Engagement and Interaction:
    • Comments and Likes: Encourage viewers to engage with the video through comments, likes, and shares. High engagement signals to search engines that the content is valuable and relevant.
    • End Screens and Cards: Use end screens and cards to direct viewers to additional content, increasing overall watch time and user interaction with the channel.
  4. Technical Optimization:
    • Page Speed and Mobile Friendliness: Ensure that video content does not slow down page loading times and is optimized for mobile viewing. Slow-loading videos can negatively impact user experience and search rankings.
    • Structured Data: Implement structured data (schema markup) to provide search engines with detailed information about the video content, such as duration, upload date, and video description.
  5. Cross-Platform Promotion:
    • Social Media and Embedding: Promote videos across various social media platforms and embed them in blog posts and other web pages. This not only drives traffic but also improves the video’s visibility and ranking through backlinks and increased engagement.

Which One is Easier to Rank on SERP: Video SEO VS Blog SEO

Video SEO or Blog SEO: Which SEO Marketing Strategy to Choose
Video SEO or Blog SEO: Which SEO Marketing Strategy to Choose

When considering whether Video SEO or Blog SEO is easier to rank on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages), it’s important to understand the distinct advantages and challenges of each approach.

Video SEO Marketing Malaysia


  1. Engagement and Retention: Videos are highly engaging and can significantly increase the time users spend on your site, which positively impacts your SEO. They also tend to have higher share rates on social media, further enhancing visibility​​.
  2. Visibility on SERPs: Videos often appear in rich snippets, video carousels, and other prominent SERP features, which can attract more clicks than text results​​.
  3. Growing Preference for Video Content: With the rise in digital video consumption, users are increasingly looking for video content, making it a valuable medium for attracting traffic​​.


  1. Production Effort: Creating high-quality videos requires more resources in terms of time, equipment, and skills compared to writing blog posts​.
  2. Technical Optimization: Videos need proper technical SEO, including optimized thumbnails, transcripts, metadata, and structured data to ensure they are easily discoverable by search engines​​.

Blog SEO Marketing Malaysia


  1. Ease of Production: Writing and publishing blog posts generally requires fewer resources than video production. This makes it easier to produce consistent content​​.
  2. Comprehensive Content: Blog posts can cover topics in-depth and can be optimized for a variety of keywords. They also allow for internal linking and other SEO practices that enhance site structure and search engine understanding​​.
  3. Flexibility in Content Types: Blogs can target informational, commercial, and transactional queries, making them versatile for different stages of the customer journey​​.


  1. Competitive Space: The text-based content market is highly saturated, making it harder to rank without strong local SEO Malaysia  practices and high-quality content​​.
  2. User Engagement: Blogs typically have lower engagement metrics compared to videos, such as time on page and social shares, which can impact overall SEO performance.

Our Recommendations

When to Choose Video SEO Marketing Malaysia:

  • High Engagement Goals: If your objective is to maximize user engagement and retention, videos are highly effective.
  • Visual or Demonstrative Content: For tutorials, product demonstrations, or any content that benefits from visual explanation, videos are preferable.
  • Social Media Strategy: If your marketing strategy relies heavily on social media, videos can drive more shares and visibility.

When to Choose Blog SEO Marketing Malaysia:

  • In-depth Information: For topics that require detailed explanations, step-by-step guides, or comprehensive coverage, blog posts are better suited.
  • Resource Constraints: If you have limited resources for content creation, focusing on blog posts allows for consistent publishing with less investment.
  • SEO Flexibility: Blogs are versatile and can be optimized for various types of queries, making them suitable for targeting different stages of the customer journey.

Integrating Both Strategies

For the best results, consider integrating both Video SEO and Blog SEO. Embedding videos within blog posts can enhance the content’s engagement and value of SEO marketing Malaysia value. This combined approach optimizes the strengths of both formats to maximize visibility and user interaction.

By understanding the specific benefits and challenges of each format, you can strategically choose the best approach for your content goals and audience preferences. For more detailed insights, refer to sources like Search Engine Land, Similarweb, and Ahrefs.

By understanding these new tools and integrating them into your video SEO Malaysia strategy, you can keep your content at the forefront of search results, engaging users and driving traffic to your site. If you need professional assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to BigDomain for comprehensive SEO services in Malaysia tailored to your needs. Get a free SEO audit from BigDomain today!

Using Common SEO Techniques Across Video, Blog, and Social Media Platforms

Optimizing content for search engines is crucial across various formats, including video, blogs, and social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Here are the common SEO techniques that apply across these different mediums:

1. Keyword Research and Optimization

  • Video SEO: Incorporate relevant keywords in video titles, descriptions, and tags to enhance discoverability on platforms like YouTube and TikTok. Use tools like Google Ads Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs for keyword research.
  • Blog SEO: Utilize keywords in blog titles, headers, and throughout the content. Tools like Ahrefs and Google Trends help in identifying high-volume keywords that are relevant to your blog topic.
  • Social Media SEO: Keywords should be included in captions, bios, and hashtags on platforms like Instagram and TikTok. The Instagram search bar and TikTok’s predictive search feature can help identify popular keywords.

2. Engagement Metrics

  • Video SEO: Engagement metrics like watch time, likes, comments, and shares are crucial for ranking. On TikTok, video quality and user interactions heavily influence ranking .
  • Blog SEO: User engagement, such as comments and social shares, signals the content’s relevance and quality, which can positively impact search rankings.
  • Social Media SEO: Engagement through likes, comments, and shares boosts content visibility. Instagram and TikTok algorithms favor content that generates high user interaction.

3. Technical SEO Elements

  • Video SEO: Optimize technical elements like transcripts, subtitles, and thumbnails. Transcripts make video content more accessible and indexable by search engines, while compelling thumbnails increase click-through rates.
  • Blog SEO: Implement technical SEO practices such as using alt text for images, optimizing page load speed, and ensuring mobile-friendliness. Schema markup helps search engines understand the content better and can lead to rich snippets.
  • Social Media SEO: On platforms like Instagram, use alt text for images and subtitles for videos to improve accessibility and searchability. Properly optimized profiles with relevant keywords also enhance discoverability.

4. Content Quality and Relevance

  • Video SEO: High-quality, engaging content that provides value to viewers is essential. Videos that are informative and well-produced tend to perform better in search rankings.
  • Blog SEO: High-quality, informative content that addresses user queries effectively tends to rank higher. Regularly updating and refining content ensures its relevance and usefulness.
  • Social Media SEO: Creating high-quality, engaging posts that resonate with your audience increases visibility. Content that is relevant to current trends and user interests performs better.

Future Outlook

The integration of Google AI Overview and SGE marks a new era for video SEO marketing Malaysia. By understanding and adapting to these technologies, you can significantly enhance your video content’s visibility and performance. Focus on creating high-quality, contextually rich videos, optimizing technical elements, and optimizing detailed analytics to stay ahead in the competitive landscape.

For more detailed strategies and insights, consider visiting resources like SEMrush and Search Engine Journal.

Read more on recent article on Google SEO marketing Malaysia updates here:

  1. Can Google AI Overview Replace Search? SEO Review – BigDomain
  2. How Google Against Low-Quality Content on Search | SEO Marketing Malaysia – Bigdomain
  3. Adapt Your SEO Marketing Malaysia Strategy with SGE | Big Domain

Partner with BigDomain SEO Services in Malaysia

If you’re looking to enhance your SEO strategy in Malaysia, consider partnering with BigDomain, the top leading SEO agency Malaysia. With our expertise in SEO services in Malaysia, we can help you navigate the complexities of Google’s AI and SGE, ensuring your video content achieves maximum visibility and engagement. 

Claim your free Local SEO Malaysia Guide 2024/2025 with us!

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