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Secure XHS Blue Tick (蓝V) Verified Account for Travel Agency in Malaysia 2024

Xiaohongshu (小红书) Now Welcomes Overseas Travel Agencies!

Since early last year, many travel agencies have faced challenges with low visibility and platform bans on Xiaohongshu. However, a significant change is here: you can now apply for the Blue Tick certification (蓝V认证) to easily promote your travel routes and services with Xia Hong Shu official account (小红书OA)!

What are the Benefits of Using Blue Tick Verification 蓝V认证/ Xiaohongshu Official Account (小红书OA)?

1. Increased Visibility and Credibility:

  • The Blue Tick verification (蓝V认证) gives your travel agency a mark of authenticity 哦呢Xia Hong Shu official account (小红书OA), increasing your visibility and credibility on the platform. Potential customers are more likely to trust and engage with verified accounts.

2. Access to Advanced Advertising Tools:

  • With an Xiao Hong Shu official account (小红书OA), you gain access to advanced advertising tools that allow you to create targeted ad campaigns. This ensures that your promotions reach the right audience, maximizing your Malaysia XHS marketing efforts.

3. Enhanced Customer Interaction:

  • Xiao Hong Shu Official accounts (小红书OA) can interact directly with followers and potential customers through comments and messages. This direct engagement helps build relationships and provides an opportunity to offer personalized customer service.

4. Insightful Analytics:

  • An official account provides access to detailed analytics and insights about your posts and audience. These insights help you understand what works best and how to improve your Malaysia XHS marketing strategies.

5. Participation in Exclusive Events and Campaigns:

  • Blue tick verified (蓝V认证) accounts are often invited to participate in exclusive events and Malaysia XHS marketing campaigns organized by Xiaohongshu. This can significantly boost your brand exposure and customer engagement.

6. Compliance and Security:

  • The Blue Tick verification (蓝V认证) ensures that your account complies with Xiaohongshu’s (小红书OA) guidelines, reducing the risk of bans and other platform issues. It also provides an added layer of security for your account.

Requirements to Apply Blue Tick Verification (蓝V认证) for Travel Agency in Malaysia 

What are the benefits of applying for the Blue Tick certification (蓝V认证) as a travel agency?

Once you obtain the Blue Tick certification, you’ll receive Official Certification (官方认证). This means you can start advertising your services without worrying about getting banned of your Xiao Hong Shu official account (小红书OA).

Can I directly engage with customers once I have the certification?

Yes, once you’ve applied for the Blue Tick and opened your JuGuang (聚光) account, you can directly interact with customers without fear of platform warnings!

How can travel agency in Malaysia apply for the Blue Tick certification (蓝V认证)?

Applying for Xiaohongshu’s Blue Tick certification is straightforward. You only need these documents:

  • SSM (Companies Commission of Malaysia registration)
  • Company letter for application
  • PIC passport
  • Travel agency license

Leave the rest to us and BigDomain will assist you throughout your Xiaohongshu blue tick (蓝V) application process for your Xia Hong Shu official account (小红书OA).

Xiaohongshu Trending Content Ideas for Travel Agencies 2024

Here are some of the most recent trends and innovative ideas for Malaysia XHS marketing video ads that Malaysian travel agencies can utilize in 2024:

1. Short-Form Videos

Short-form videos on platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts are highly effective. These videos, usually under a minute, are perfect for showcasing travel destinations, tips, and highlights quickly and engagingly. The short format suits the fast-paced consumption habits of today’s audiences​​.

2. Influencer Marketing

Collaborating with local influencers, especially micro-influencers (those with smaller but highly engaged followings), can significantly boost your travel agency’s visibility and credibility. Influencers can create authentic content that resonates well with their audience, helping build trust and engagement​​.

3. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

VR and AR offer immersive experiences that can attract potential travelers by giving them a taste of the destinations you offer. VR can provide virtual tours of destinations and accommodations, while AR can enhance real-world experiences with interactive elements, such as guided tours or gamified experiences​​.

4. Eco-Friendly Tourism Promotions

Highlighting eco-friendly and sustainable travel options is increasingly important, especially for younger, environmentally-conscious travelers. Showcasing green practices and sustainable travel experiences can attract this growing market segment​​​​.

5. Behind-the-Scenes Videos

Creating behind-the-scenes videos that showcase the daily operations of your travel agency, the team, and the process of planning trips can build transparency and trust with your audience. These videos can be shared on platforms like Instagram and TikTok to give a more personal touch to your brand​.

6. Educational and Explainer Videos

Producing educational videos that provide travel tips, destination guides, and how-to content can position your agency as a helpful resource. These videos can help potential customers make informed decisions and see the value in your expertise​.

7. Seamless Loop Videos

Seamless looping videos on platforms like TikTok can keep viewers engaged for longer on your Xia Hong Shu official account (小红书OA). These videos are designed to loop perfectly, creating a mesmerizing effect that encourages repeated views, which can increase brand recall​ (Design Articles, Inspiration & Resources)​.

8. Branded Challenges

Launching branded challenges on platforms like Xia Hong Shu official account (小红书OA) can drive engagement and user-generated content. These challenges encourage users to create and share their own videos based on a theme you set, spreading awareness of your brand organically​​.

9. Trending Audio Clips

Utilizing trending audio clips in your videos can increase their chances of going viral. Matching popular sounds with visually appealing travel content can enhance the video’s appeal and shareability​​.

By leveraging these trends, Malaysian travel agencies can create compelling video content that attracts and engages their target audience, ultimately driving more bookings and brand loyalty.

Optimizing Xiaohongshu Ads Tool 聚光 for Travel Agency in Malaysia

Travel agency in Malaysia looking to optimize their Malaysia XHS marketing on Xiaohongshu (小红书) can leverage the platform’s unique features and vast user base to enhance visibility and engagement. Here are some strategies and tips to get the most out of Xiaohongshu Ads Tool 聚光:

1. Understand Your Audience

Xiaohongshu’s primary users are young, urban, and affluent, with a significant portion being female. Tailor your content to appeal to this demographic by focusing on visually appealing and engaging travel experiences, luxury tours, and unique travel itineraries​​.

2. Create High-Quality Content

Invest in creating high-quality, visually appealing content. Use vibrant images and engaging videos that highlight the best aspects of your travel services. Incorporate user-generated content to build trust and authenticity​​.

3. Leverage Influencer Marketing

Collaborate with influencers and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) on Xiaohongshu. These collaborations can significantly boost your brand’s visibility and credibility. Ensure that your influencers are relevant to your target audience and can authentically promote your travel services​​.

4. Optimize SEO and Keywords

Maximize the use of relevant keywords in your posts to increase discoverability. The Xiaohongshu system uses keywords to match content with user searches, so include popular and trending terms related to travel. Optimize your post titles and descriptions with these keywords to improve click-through rates​​.

5. Use Hashtags Effectively

Incorporate trending and relevant hashtags in your posts to reach a broader audience. Hashtags can drive traffic, increase engagement, and enhance your brand’s visibility. Stay updated with the latest trends and use hashtags that resonate with your target audience​.

6. Utilize Interactive Content

Engage users with interactive content such as quizzes, polls, and live streams. This type of content not only entertains but also encourages deeper interaction with your brand. Consider hosting live Q&A sessions, virtual tours, or travel planning workshops​​.

7. Post at Optimal Times

Timing is crucial for maximizing engagement. Users are typically more active on Xiaohongshu during Thursdays and Fridays, planning their weekends. Schedule your posts to go live during these peak times to capture more attention​​.

8. Analyze and Adapt

Regularly monitor your campaign performance using Xiaohongshu’s analytics tools. Pay attention to metrics like likes, comments, shares, and collects (saves). Use this data to refine your strategies, focusing on content that performs well and resonates with your audience​)​.

9. Comply with Platform Guidelines

Ensure your content complies with Xiaohongshu’s guidelines to avoid penalties. This includes properly tagging sponsored posts and adhering to content regulations. Staying compliant helps maintain your account’s credibility and visibility​​.

By leveraging these strategies, travel agencies in Malaysia can effectively optimize presence on Xiaohongshu, reaching a broader audience and driving more engagement and bookings through the platform.

How BigDomain Can Help with Malaysia XHS Marketing? 

BigDomain offers a comprehensive suite of Xiaohongshu marketing services tailored to help Malaysian travel agencies optimize their presence and maximize their impact on the platform. Here are the key services provided by BigDomain:

1. Account Setup and Verification

BigDomain assists with setting up and verifying Xiaohongshu business accounts (小红书企业号), ensuring that travel agencies can secure the coveted Blue V verification badge. This verification increases trust, enhances brand visibility, and provides access to advanced features such as detailed analytics​​.

2. Content Creation and Management

BigDomain handles the creation of engaging and visually appealing content tailored to Xiaohongshu’s audience. This includes crafting content calendars, posting regularly, and managing community interactions. The content is optimized for SEO, leveraging popular keywords and hashtags to improve discoverability​.

3. Influencer and KOC Marketing

BigDomain facilitates collaborations with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and Key Opinion Consumers (KOCs) to create authentic and influential content. These collaborations help travel agencies reach a wider audience and build credibility through trusted recommendations and reviews​​.

4. Advertising Strategy

BigDomain offers targeted advertising solutions through Xiaohongshu’s 聚光 (Ju Guang) tool. This involves creating and managing ad campaigns that reach the right audience, driving traffic, and boosting sales conversions. The ads are strategically placed to maximize visibility and engagement.

5. Data Analysis and Optimization

BigDomain provides detailed analytics support to help travel agencies understand user behavior and the effectiveness of their content. This data-driven approach allows for continuous optimization of Malaysia XHS marketing strategies to ensure maximum impact and ROI​.

6. Creative Campaigns

The agency assists in generating creative content ideas and campaigns that resonate with Xiaohongshu’s user base. This includes storytelling, visual storytelling, and leveraging trending topics to create engaging and relevant content​.

By leveraging these services, Malaysian travel agencies can effectively optimize their Xiaohongshu presence, enhancing their visibility, engagement, and ultimately driving more bookings and business account (小红书企业号) growth. For more detailed information, you can visit BigDomain’s official website and explore their comprehensive guide on Malaysia XHS marketing services​​.


1. How often should I update my Xiaohongshu content?

Regularly posting content is essential for maintaining audience engagement and attracting new followers.

2. Are there any restrictions on promotional content?

Promotional video on XHS will be restricted, except for users with Xiaohongshu Blue Tick Certification (小红书蓝V认证). Claim one with Big Domain now, the professional (小红书)Malaysia XHS marketing services provider.

Make sure to familiarize yourself with Xiaohongshu’s guidelines on promotional content to avoid any policy violations. Check out this regular policy violation post example.

3. How may Malaysia XHS Marketing Services from BigDomain assist in raising travel agency brand awareness?

Our staff specializes in producing and disseminating interesting material to increase the exposure and impact of your brand on Xiaohongshu. 

To increase the exposure of your business account (小红书企业号) even further, we also use a number of Xiaohongshu tools and resources, including corporate accounts, KOCs (Key Opinion Consumers), Blue Tick verification (小红书蓝V认证), and targeted advertising campaigns.

4. How can I increase engagement on my Xiaohongshu posts?

Promote user engagement by actively responding to comments, posing inquiries, and integrating interactive features like polls or quizzes. Here’s a more Comprehensive Guide to Effective Marketing Strategies. Other than that, having one Xiaohongshu Blue Tick verification (小红书蓝V认证) ensures your content exposure and attract new followers. 

5. What is the best time to post on Xiaohongshu for maximum visibility?

Try out various posting times to figure out when your target audience is most active and engaged, just like a certified management accountant (CMA) would do.

Read more on XHS Product and Regular Post Traffic |Xiaohongshu Malaysia 

Interested to explore further details?

For travel agency business owners looking to expand on Xiaohongshu, share your account with us, and we’ll assess if you’re eligible to apply:

Or, you can easily reach out to our team for further assistance via WhatsApp using the following link: (Sue) (Hooi Min)


  1. 20+ Video Marketing Trends for 2024 (Design Articles, Inspiration & Resources)
  2. 10 Short-Form Video Trends to Watch Out for in 2024 (Influencer Marketing Hub)
  3. The Top 12 Travel Marketing Trends Defining 2024 (KORTX)
  4. 9 Video Marketing Trends to Watch in 2024 (WordStream)​​ 

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