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Tesla Ceo- Elon Musk appreciates the efforts of team for deliveries in “toughest” quarters.

The efforts of the team in maintaining the delivery deadlines in the “toughest” quarters of company are being appreciate by their company CEO – Elon Musk. 

In order to acknowledge the hard work of the Tesla team, Musk wrote “Thanks Tesla Team for great work on deliveries!  For new owners, we super appreciate accommodating us on delivery timing! Definitely one of our toughest quarters in global logistics. ”on Twitter.

Tesla Ceo- Elon Musk appreciates the efforts of team for deliveries in “toughest” quarters. 1

Source from autohindustantimes

The employees of the electric carmaker had also received an email written by their CEO, in terms of the sales performance. Which makes and sells as many electric cars as possible before the end of the 3 quarter nears (September 30). 

Also at the end- of- quarter emails, Musk urged the team to enhance productivity which is also a signal to investors. Last but not least, the company goal in 2020 is to deliver half a million vehicles. 

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Tesla Ceo- Elon Musk appreciates the efforts of team for deliveries in “toughest” quarters. 2

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