In-depth Comparison: Xiaohongshu Personal Pro Account (个人专业号) or Business Pro Account (小红书企业号)

Xiaohongshu (小红书), also known as RED, is a popular social e-commerce platform in China that combines content creation, community engagement, and online shopping. With its growing user base and influence in chasing for blue tick badge (小红书蓝勾/蓝V 认证), both individuals and businesses are keen to explore the benefits of its...

有赞全面打通XHS海外市场,开放小红书海外店铺入驻 |小红书海外营销

小红书拥有超过1亿的月度活跃用户和4300万的分享者,以“种草基地”著称。 许多企业在试图进入海外华人市场时,面临着一系列挑战。尽管小红书在吸引流量方面表现出色,但在海外市场上,企业却面临引流和曝光的局限性。加上无法在小红书上开设海外店铺,导致企业难以实现直接的客户转化。 如今,小红书店铺是小红书面向认证专业号的企业和个人的开店变现工具。只需一步,用户就能从你的主页或笔记访问你的网上店铺,从而加购下单。品牌和商家不再需要想方设法规避小红书对引流站外交易的规制。 作为小红书官方首家海外技术合作方,有赞AllValue已正式上线“小红书电商小程序”新功能,可以帮助海外华人商家快速接入小红书,开启海外版店铺,完成从内容种草到下单购买的各个环节。这样,用户可以“看见即可购买”,减少用户流失,降低客服沟通成本,提高客户满意度。 因此,有赞与小红书的合作将“帮助商家利用内容种草,更好地实现商业化渗透”。 概述 Summary Youzan and Little Red Book (Xiaohongshu) have partnered up to enable enterprises to build Xiaohongshu foreign stores, therefore helping them access the Chinese market abroad.  Recognised for its large user base and powerful "planting grass" content, Xiaohongshu has difficulties generating traffic and visibility...

Start Making Money on Xiaohongshu: From Setup to Success Guide

Have you given any thought to making money on Xiaohongshu? From the first xiaohongshu setup to reaching income, this article provides an organized method for negotiating the complexities of the platform and offering practical advice for using Xiaohongshu successfully, regardless of your expertise level. The Social Commerce Giants | Xiaohongshu...