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In-depth Comparison: Xiaohongshu Personal Pro Account (个人专业号) or Business Pro Account (小红书企业号)

Xiaohongshu (小红书), also known as RED, is a popular social e-commerce platform in China that combines content creation, community engagement, and online shopping. With its growing user base and influence in chasing for blue tick badge (小红书蓝勾/蓝V 认证), both individuals and businesses are keen to explore the benefits of its Pro Account options: Xiaohongshu Pro Account (小红书专业号) and Business Pro Account (小红书企业号). 

Whether you’re pondering personal vs. business identity, store limitations, industry qualifications, or certification procedures, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll dive into an in-depth comparison of these two account types to help you make an informed decision.

Benefits of Xiaohongshu Business Accounts(小红书企业号)

  • Display blue tick badge(小红书蓝勾/蓝V认证) on homepage.
  • Support management of up to 10 operational accounts simultaneously.
  • Even with no followers, you may directly launch advertisements on the platform and carry out French Fries promotions (薯条推广) to attract traffic.
  • You can open individual/enterprise e-commerce stores, access various mini-program stores such as Have Strong, and receive offline codes to attract offline users to online stores. At the same time, the online homepage can also be associated with offline stores to connect online and offline.
  • Unlimited publishing of notes associated with store products to promote transactions. You can publish up to 3 lottery notes per month (requires more than 1000 followers) to enhance fan interaction.
  • You can view store operating data and community note traffic data in detail and comprehensively in the merchant background/professional background, making it convenient to adjust marketing strategies in a timely manner.

Requirements for Uploading Avatar for Business Pro Account(小红书企业号)

| The avatar cannot be a real person’s face.

It should be relevant to the subject of the business license, brand, webpage, or application.

If using a ® or ™ symbol, supplementary qualifications should be provided. 

The content should be consistent with the trademark and not include combinations not present in the trademark. However, if the merchant’s registered trademark is a combination trademark, it can be used. If the brand logo contains content not present in the trademark, it cannot be used.

For specific guidelines, refer to the “Business Pro Account Certification Manual.” Actual verification takes precedence, and details can be found in the “Business Pro Account Certification Rules.”

How to Choose the Suitable Identity for a Business Pro Account?

You can select the appropriate identity based on the scope of your business license and the actual operating industry. On the identity selection page, you can use keywords or industry categories to filter and find the suitable identity type.

For example, if your business scope includes clothing brands/clothing and accessories/jewelry, and you plan to publish clothing-related notes in the future, you can consider selecting the identity as clothing accessories.

| Note: A single business license can certify up to 3 business professional accounts. 

You can choose based on the main direction of your company or the direction of note publication combined with the scope of business license operations. 

|If you need to choose multiple identities, you can apply for multiple business accounts. The quotas are different, so please choose according to the type of products you sell.

Differences in Accessing Personal and Business Pro Accounts

For accessing the Xiaohongshu application method:

  1. Personal Pro Account: Only available for application on the app.
  2. Business Pro Account: Available for application on both the app and PC.

App operation path is the same as the personal account. For the PC version, log in to the Pro Account platform.

How does selecting personal or business identity for Xiaohongshu Pro accounts affect the available type of store options?

The choice of certification type has an impact on the types of stores that can be opened. Here is a breakdown of the details:

With a Xiaohongshu Pro Account (小红书专业号), you have access to:

  • Stores operated by individuals
  • Stores that cater to both individual consumers and businesses

On the other hand, Business Pro Account (小红书企业号) offers a range of options for opening:

  • Individual industrial and commercial stores
  • Just regular enterprise stores
  • Specialized stores
  • Speciality shops
  • High-profile retail locations
  • Official flagship stores
  • Market flagship stores (by invitation only)

For the process of opening a XHS individual or business pro account, read here

Naming Your Certified Pro Account 

For Business Pro Account (小红书企业号):

When certifying a business pro account, the name should be based on the company name in the business license, or it can also be based on trademarks, websites, or software applications. It supports up to 12 characters.

Dealing with Account Name Duplicates During Business Pro Account Certification

If there is a duplicate account name, the application cannot be submitted. You need to modify it to a different name and resubmit the certification for review.

For Xiaohongshu Pro Account (小红书专业号): 

When certifying a personal pro account, the name can be based on personal preferences but must comply with Xiaohongshu platform community guidelines. It should not include prohibited terms such as illegal or violating words. 

It supports setting 2-24 characters, excluding @<>/ and other invalid characters. For specific naming rules, refer to the “Xiaohongshu Shop Naming Rules.”

How Many Pro Accounts Can be Certified with One Business License?

A single business license can certify up to 3 professional accounts. If the maximum number of certifications has been reached (3), the system will prompt that the limit has been reached, and further certification will not be possible.

Pro Account Certification Fees

Xiaohongshu Pro Account (小红书专业号): 

Free certification.

Xiaohongshu Business Account (小红书企业号):

Initial certification fee: 600 RMB, valid for 1 year.

Annual review fee: 600 RMB, payable before the expiration date. If the review fails, the fee is non-refundable.

Invoice for Certification Review Fees

Can Certification Review Fees Be Invoiced?

Certification fees will be automatically invoiced and sent to the email address provided during the certification process within 3 days of successful payment.

The invoice is issued to the entity’s business license holder as an electronic general invoice and cannot be modified.

Domestic Invoice:

After certification, you can view the invoice in the Notification Center (bell icon) on the Professional Account platform ( or in the email address provided during certification.

Overseas Invoice:

Overseas invoices are not automatically issued. After payment, you can contact customer service to request an invoice by leaving a message in the customer service section (located in the upper right corner). Currently, overseas entities only support issuing invoices in the form of “invoice”.

Annual Review

Does a Professional Account Require an Annual Review?

Personal Pro Account 小红书专业号: Once certified successfully, it remains valid indefinitely without the need for an annual review.

Business Pro Account 小红书企业号: Initial certification is valid for one year. From the second year onwards, an annual review is required to maintain the status and related benefits of the professional account. Remember to conduct the annual review promptly.

Annual Review Process

Path for Annual Review:

Access the Professional Account platform on the PC. Navigate to “Account Management” and then select “Professional Account Certification/Annual Review.”

How to Conduct the Annual Review?


Access the “Professional Account Certification/Annual Review” section through the “Account Management” tab on the PC version of the Professional Account platform. Follow the prompts provided by the system to submit the necessary materials.

Please note: The specific steps may vary slightly depending on system updates.

Impact of Not Conducting the Annual Review

If the annual review is not conducted after the expiration of the professional account certification, the professional account status will become invalid.

Consequently, the account will no longer display the blue tick badge (小红书蓝勾/蓝V认证), and the associated benefits of the professional account, such as showcasing the corresponding store, will be unavailable.

Annual Review Fee

Personal Professional Account 小红书专业号: Certification is free, and no annual review is required.

Business Professional Account 小红书企业号: The initial certification fee is 600 RMB, valid for one year. Before the expiration, an annual review must be initiated through the Professional Account platform, incurring an annual review fee of 600 RMB, consistent with the certification fee. If the review fails, the fee will not be refunded.

Are Personal and Business Professional Account Certifications Cancelable?

Xiaohongshu Pro Account 小红书专业号: Canceling certification is not now allowed. You can, however, change the professional account identification and decide whether or not to make it public.

Path: Go to “Identity” under “Edit Profile” on the app.

Enterprise Professional Account 小红书企业号: Certifications may be canceled after they have been granted. Historical certification cannot be reinstalled once it has been canceled. For additional help, please get in touch with online customer care and send pertinent materials.


Requirements for Uploading Overseas and Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan Business Licenses


Overseas and Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan business licenses are only supported for “Enterprise” type professional account certification.

It is necessary to upload BRMCR (one of which can be provided by Hong Kong, China).

|Note: Business Registration (BR) or Certificate of Incorporation (CR) is accepted.

It is also recommended to upload English registration documents or provide English translations.

How to Obtain a Certification Letter Template?

Accessing the Template:

Path: [Professional Account Certification Page] – [Identity Verification] – [Verification Method] – Choose [Submit Certification Letter], where you can view and download the “Xiaohongshu Professional Account Application Letter” template. 

To avoid delays in the review process, please strictly adhere to the template requirements. (Currently, there is no English version of the certification letter template available.)

Is Face Recognition or a Certification Letter Required?

Domestic entities support both face recognition and submission of certification letters; either option can be chosen.

Currently, only the certification letter method is supported for overseas entities.

Industry Qualifications

When Is It Necessary to Provide Industry Qualifications?

If the certified identity involves special industries, the page will prompt you to upload relevant industry qualifications.

Example: In the food industry, it involves the “Food Business License,” or for courier companies, it involves the “Express Business Operation License.” Relevant materials will be displayed on your certification page, and you can provide the required materials accordingly.

Can Other Documents Be Used Instead of Industry Qualifications If Unable to Provide Corresponding Qualifications?

If you are unable to provide the corresponding industry qualifications, it is recommended that you obtain the relevant qualifications before proceeding with certification.

Which Accounts Can Post Giveaway Notes on Xiaohongshu?

All professional accounts (小红书专业号), including business (小红书企业号), individual business (小红书个人企业号), and personal accounts (小红书个人专业号).

  1. Followings on accounts must be at least 1,000.
  2. Monthly gift notes can be posted by business professional accounts up to three times.
  3. There can be just one giveaway message placed each month on personal professional accounts. 
  4. Giveaways are best done no more than once a month because most participants are freebie hunters. 
  5. Though it is advised to restrict the number to 1–5 winners, each contest can have up to 1,000 winners.

Remark: To prevent infractions, lottery notes cannot be removed prior to the draw. Early deletion of them will prevent functionality.

Read more about rules and regulations in setting up lottery event on XHS.

How to Use the Operations Account 运营账号 and What Is its Role?

The operations account plays the function of enabling desktop access to the Professional Account Platform for account management and administration.

Content production, analytics tracking, and engagement management are just a few of the account management chores made easier.

For Business Pro Accounts 小红书企业号:

  • Access the Professional Account Platform with a mobile phone number.
  • Add the operations email account by going to “Account Management” > “Personnel Management”.
  • 10 operations email accounts can be added to each enterprise account.
  • Select “Email Login” after successful registration to access the platform; please be aware that operations accounts cannot be used to log in through the app.

|To guarantee correct operation, the connected operations email account cannot be linked to any other Xiaohongshu account.

If you’re all set and ready to go for Advance Xiaohongshu Business Guide, read here:

Start Making Money on Xiaohongshu: From Setup to Success Guide

Xiaohongshu: 3 Guides to Build Your Own Brand

Xiaohongshu School lessons – 小红书课程

Keen to explore further details?

For more information on Xiaohongshu marketing services we provide, feel free to check out at:

Or, you can easily reach out to our team for further assistance via WhatsApp using the following link: (Sue) (Hooi Min)

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